Come out of your crib, room or closet on Sunday October 10th for a super relaxed, festive ride in honour of Coming Out Day!
Coming Out Day, 75 years COC Netherlands and 50 years COC Nijmegen Region
Coming Out Day has existed since October 11th, 1988 and is an annual day that pays attention to the moment when a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender openly reveals their sexual orientation or gender identity. Following a massive protest march by Washington against a homophobic ruling by the US Federal Supreme Court, October 11th became the annual global day on which we are extra visible.
Because the Nijmegen COC will be celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and the national COC even its 75th, the Coming Out Day Weeks will be organized in the Nijmegen region from September 30 to October 17, full of sports, culture, discussions and parties. Also check out the COC Nijmegen website if you don’t just want to participate in our ride, but are curious about more!
Reason enough for the Gay Classic Car Club Benelux to contribute socially and to organise a wonderful exuberant tour in the region with you. For example, in collaboration with the Nijmegen COC, we let our cars “shine” during a Gay-Filé!
So dress yourself and your car in rainbow colours or make it cheerful in some other way! Of course we also have an item for on or in your classic car.