Online GCCC Annual General Meeting 2021

Dear members,

We hope you are all still doing well.

After an eventful period in which our old and young timers have been mainly stationary, we, the daily board of the Gay Classic Car Club, would like to invite every member to the Annual General Meeting of 2021.

As most of you know, we always have the AGM earlier in the year. Last year on March 8, 2020, the AGM could be held on location just before the lockdown.

By moving the AGM from March to June 26, we had hoped that an AGM could be held on location. Unfortunately, the COVID measures do not allow an AGM on location yet and therefore the AGM has to be held online this year. You should have received the agenda as an attachment by e-mail. If this is not the case, please send an e-mail to to receive the agenda. Verder lezen Online GCCC Annual General Meeting 2021

New date for Annual General Meeting & membership consultation

Dear members,

We hope you are doing well.

Unfortunately, we still have to deal with COVID and the COVID measures now. As a result, there was no New Year’s Reception. Organising a new event will depend on relaxation of the measures.

The AGM was to be held on March 21st this year. Because we prefer to hold an “analog” AGM, where we can speak to each other personally, the board has decided to postpone the date of the AGM.

The new date scheduled for the AGM will be June 27th, taking into account Article 15, paragraph 1 “The financial year of the association isn the same as the calendar year. At least one general meeting is held annually, within six months after the end of the financial year,” assuming that by then the measures have been relaxed. If this turns out not to be the case, we’ll have to resort to holding the AGM digitally after all. Verder lezen New date for Annual General Meeting & membership consultation

Cancelling Achterhoek ride

Dear members,

Earlier this year, we had planned to have a ride in the Achterhoek area in April. Just like now, everyone faced measures to try to contain COVID. In consultation with Aldrin and Erik, the organisers of the ride, it was decided then to cancel the ride and postpone it to December 20th.

Unfortunately, history repeats itself. We are again in a period of strict measures. As you probably expected, in consultation with Aldrin and Erik, it has also been decided to cancel the ride and postpone it to 2021.We hope that 2021 will be a better year for everyone and that events can be held again.

Despite the current situation, we wish you happy and safe holidays and a more prosperous 2021!

The daily management of Gay Classic Car Club Benelux,

Fred, Jerry, Marchel, Rob and Warner

Cancelling ‘Gelderse Vallei’ ride

Dear classic car friends,

As had been announced in the Summer issue of our magazine, a special ride had been planned for Saturday November 21st.

The infamous virus, however, has still got hold of us and for the time being there is not much chance of a relaxation of the measures.  We don’t think it is a responsible thing to organize an event in the current situation. That’s why, in consultation with the organisers Mick and Gertjan, we have decided not to go ahead with the ride and are now planning to have it in 2021.

For now, stay healthy, watch out for each other and have patience.

Gay Classic Car Club Benelux board,

Fred, Jerry, Marchel, Rob and Warner

Dunes and Meuse and in between

It may be short notice, but thanks to Hans, Emiel and Chris there will still be a ride this month! It will take place on Sunday September 27th.

What will the day look like?

We start at a nice location in Elshout. As usual you’ll be welcomed from 12 o’clock with coffee/tea and pastry. The ride itself starts at 1 pm.

From Elshout we head for Drunen, driving along Giersbergen which has a number of beautiful old farmhouses. From there we can walk to the dunes.

We continue through Udenhout and Loon op Zand and then we leave this ‘Loonse en Drunense Duinen ‘ area, go through ’s-Gravenmoer and Raamsdonk and head for Overdiepse Polder.

This polder lies between the river branches ‘Bergsche Maas’ and the ‘Oude Maasje’ and serves as water storage with high water level. The farms were all built between  2010 and 2015 and have all been built on mounds.

From there it’s back to Elshout.

We plan to be back at around 17:30h, so we can enjoy a drink (at your own expense). At 18h dinner will start.

Corona measures allow a maximum of 80 persons taking part in the drive and a  maximum of 50 personen registered for dinner.
Verder lezen Dunes and Meuse and in between

From Markiezaat to Scheldt | CANCELLED

Bergen op Zoom

Update (August 14, 2020)

On account of the recent COVID-19 outbreak at Bergen op Zoom and in consultation with Henk and Hans, the organisers,  and the restaurant manager we have unfortunately been forced NOT to go ahead with this lovely ride. We want to keep things safe and relaxed for everybody.

During the past few days we received several cancellations and questions about this event.

Of course, this ride will be held at a later date. As soon as we have information we’ll let you know.

Our apologies for the inconvenience.

We hope you will understand this decision.

Just like everybody else, we are done with the virus, but the virus isn’t done with us.

So keep looking after yourself and others.

Kind regards

The GCCC board, also on behalf of Henk and Hans

Verder lezen From Markiezaat to Scheldt | CANCELLED

Cancellation events

Dear classic car friends,

These are tough times.

Only two weeks ago at our Annual General Meeting at Culemborg we were a bit giggly about ‘not giving hands’. Now two weeks on we are confronted with new measures and a new reality.

Unfortunately this means that large events, such as the Eurovision Song Contest, The Netherlands’ Grand Prix, Utrecht Gay Pride, but also several oldtimer events will be cancelled.

Naturally the GCCC board takes its resposibility in this too. Verder lezen Cancellation events

Annual General Meeting 2020

All members of  Gay Classic Car Club Benelux are invited to the Annual General Meeting of  2020!

At this AGM we  will look back at the events that took place last year and other things that have gone on within our club. Apart from that, we will be looking forward to the national and international events planned for 2020.

The board will, of  course, also present details of the financial situation of the club. Members present will have the opportunity of voting. One of the other points discussed will be the plans for the future of the club.

All members and partner members are welcome and can vote. Non members are not allowed.

The meeting will take place at the  Visscher PGH Autogroep showroom in Culemborg. We will be surrounded by new cars, miniatures and classic French cars, because our host, Mr Henk Visscher is an avid collector. In the interval we are allowed to see his extremely nice collection. The Visscher firm is also well-known for the annual French Car Day in the first weekend of Augustus. More info on the Facebook “Fad’ 20” page! Enough reasons to come to this AGM. Hot and cold drinks, rolls and snacks will, of course, be presented. Verder lezen Annual General Meeting 2020

GCCC New Year’s Drinks …. with Pub Quizz

By now it has become a tradition to start the new GCCC year with New Year’s drinks on the last Sunday of the first month. So the GCCC board is inviting you for informal drinks. That gives us the opportunity to look back at a successful year and raise glasses for a prosperous start of the “ Twenties”! 2020 is sure to be a good year with relaxed and nice events in the Netherlands and Belgium. A good opportunity to see your fellow car lovers again and have a pleasant chat.

Where and when?

So, why not come to the place on the water, well-known to us on Sunday January 26, 2020 at 13:30h. That place is ideal for our cars to be photographed. The exact address will  be sent to you by email. You will get a cup of coffee or tea plus a glass of festive bubbles and on top of that some tasty bits to eat will be presented. If you want to consume more, you’ll have to use the drinks cards which you will get on arrival.

Classic Car Pub Quizz

Even though we drive our old cars, our club is cleverer than the usual car club. That’s why the board wants to test our members if they really know a lot about classic cars, news and other facts. The quizz will be led by a real quizz mistress and her assistant presenter. All this can be done in teams and, of course, we’ll all go for the first prize!

Verder lezen GCCC New Year’s Drinks …. with Pub Quizz

10th Christmas Crib Ride

So far, GCCC has organised enjoyable Christmas Crib rides every other year. This year it will be the tenth edition, taking place on Sunday December 29th. A good moment to look back at the past year and to welcome in 2020 together with your GCCC friends. The ride is located in western North-Brabant, but we’ll be crossing into Flanders as well.

What car will you take?

Of course it will be appreciated if you can take your oldtimer. But if the roads have been gritted and weather conditions are bad we can imagine that you prefer taking your daily car instead. Verder lezen 10th Christmas Crib Ride

Saint Nicholas Ride

On Sunday November 17th we will have a ride centred round the Saint Nicholas celebrations. For those unfamiliar with this, it is a festivity mainly intended for children, but adults celebrate it too, with surprise packets and tongue in cheek poems. Special sweets are associated with this celebration, a.o. chocolate letters an marsipan figures.

Where will we go?

The ride will be in the area around Harderwijk, a pretty town with a cute harbour. We will gather from 11.30 onwards. The exact address will be sent to the club members in a separate e-mail. The start is at one o’clock and the route will take us through the woody area of the North Veluwe and the newly reclaimed land, the polder in the former Zuiderzee. Lots to see on the way, and while driving you have to watch carefully because you will be asked to arrange photos in the correct order.

Verder lezen Saint Nicholas Ride

Smugglers’ route

Smuggling was widespread in all the border regions between the Netherlands and Belgium. it has disappeared with the abolition of border controls. Before that, whenever there was a price difference on one side of the border smugglers existed. Often this difference was caused by taxes being different, as was the case with salt at the end of the 19th century. But it was butter smuggling between the two world wars that was notorious. The poverty during the economic crisis of the thirties forced many to earn a lilttle extra money by smuggling. Often it was a cat-and-mouse game between the civilian and the customs officer. It’s been known that when some customs officers suspected some woman of having butter on them, they kept her in their office near the fire.  After a while the butter dripped down her skirts!

Are we going to smuggle secretly?

No, we’re not going to do anything underhand during this ride, organised by our members Patrick and Wilfried. On Sunday August 25th we’re going to do a smugglers’ route, which will be very special having exciting narrow roads in parts of Belgium most of you have never seen. We’ll cross the border several times in the areas of Dutch Flanders and the Belgian provinces of Eastern and Western Flanders.  Only the well-known boundary posts will tell you you are in a different country, but don’t be afraid, crossing the border is now completely legal! No customs officer is going to check you. Verder lezen Smugglers’ route

Picnic Ride in the heights

On Sunday July 21st 2019 we’re not taking off into the air, but we’ll explore residential areas of high calibre.  Going through stately avenues, passing opulent residences, admiring beautiful palaces and strolling along one of the most beautiful esplanades on the Dutch sea coast.  Just been renovated for our annual ride. On the pier there is a bungee tower, so if you would want to be high up for a moment just before falling down into the depths, here’s your chance.  The ride ends at the agricultural estate of our members Ernst and Piet for a lovely picnic in elegance, style and class. You’ll have to take your own food, drinks and tableware, so do your utmost!

Our hosts often award prizes and there is a special Concours d’ Elegance-area for the shiniest, most special classic cars. So, not only should you doll yourself up for this picnic meet, but get your oldtimer tarted up too!

Where is the start?

GCCC-members Ruud and Rob have devised a beautiful route and thought of a related theme. Everybody is welcomed with coffee/tea and pastry at a spacious hotel terrace from 11 a.m. onwards, not very far from our picnic spot. That means that you can  join somebody in his car for a bit if you don’t want to drive yourself  all the way. For parking your oldtimer at the hotel special places have been reserved.

When will the picnic start?

In order to have plenty of time for the picnic, the route has been kept shorter than usual, but bear in mind that traffic to and from the beach can be bad when the weather is nice. The idea is to get to the picnic area at around 2 pm. Verder lezen Picnic Ride in the heights

Through the Green Heart

When you are in the west of the Netherlands in the  big busy towns, it’s always bliss to find a grees oasis of peace and quiet just a few miles away. People call it the Green Heart. Fields, trees, mossed trees and walls, duckweed – all varieties of ‘green’. It’s lovely to drive through all that greenery. Now is your chance to do just that with your GCCC friends on Sunday June 23rd.

What are we going to see?

Our members Dick and Marco have organized a nice polder ride for you.  It’s in the area between the rivers Oude Rijn and Amstel.

Broad views over polders and water. A varied ride where you’ll see many beautiful houses, churches and, of course, loads of water. No green landscape without loads of water!

Drive at ease

This ride will offer you ample time to drive at leisure and enjoy the world around you. Why not take a picnic chair with you? Have something to eat or drink and at the same time you can take in all the beauty around you. For bird lovers there is even a bird park.

Spotting old-timers

During the ride you’ll be passing the Vakgarage Tinga at Leimuiden. Stop the car there and have a look!

Where is the start?

We start this ride at Alphen-aan-de-Rijn, a town perhaps best known for its bird park Avifauna. Members will get he precize start address by email.At the starting place you’ll get coffee/tea and pastry.  Verder lezen Through the Green Heart

IJssel valley from Teuge

In the long GCCC history we’ve had so many rides and been through so many places that it seems as if we’ve been all over the country. Still, that’s not the case and our former treasurer has managed to organise a ride on roads most of us haven’t been on before. It was only during Eurotour 2007 that we drove on some of these roads but not many.

And where are we going?
Sunday May 19th ’s ride starts at Teuge Airport. A nice location with a lot of things to be seen. It’s  a coming and going of private planes, with people just jumping out of them, fortunately with a parachute. In good weather we’ll be able to see it all from the terrace of the restaurant which is the  start and the finish of the ride. Dogs are welcome there too.

Details of start address will be sent to members by email. We are expected to arrive there between 12h en 12h30 and will be welcomed with coffee/tea and pastry.

From Teuge we follow the western side of the river IJssel towards Zutphen. We cross the river, over the old bridge. Then we park our old- or young-timers free of charge to explore this city. Verder lezen IJssel valley from Teuge

Cars and Wine – Juicy details in Betuwe

Early April nature comes to life again after the relatively quiet winter period. The tender buds are opening up and lovely bloom is enfolding. The Betuwe area is of course THE place to enjoy all this bloom. That’s why our members Paul and Marchel are inviting you to join them in this area for a ride on April 7th, 2019.

This event is not only about blooming trees but also about another hobby of these two men. Wine! Fruit trees in bloom are common in this Betuwe area but there is also a surprisingly pretty vineyard.  It is there that we meet on the day, with coffee/tea and something sweet.  After these goodies we re leaving for a ride in the surroundings, passing well known and lesser known spots.

At the end of this ride we’ll be back at the vineyard where we’ll have the opportunity to visit it. All the juicy details of wine making will be touched on and after this we’ll be able to taste the wines too. We end this event with a barbecue in that same vineyard.   Verder lezen Cars and Wine – Juicy details in Betuwe

GCCC – Marine to Meadow

It’s summer, so time for outdoor life. At this time of year GCCC members start being  creative  again in order to prepare for the customary picnic.  This popular event this year will take place on July 23rd.

The ride preceding the picknick at Piet and Ernst’s meadow will lead us through Westland. The start is in Vlaardingen at 1 p.m. and the end at Leidschendam for the picnic. In case bad weather prevents us from eating our food outside we can take shelter in their barn and consume our heathy salads and things and drink a glass of lovely  bubbly or two there. That last thing of course only for those of us who don’t happen to have to drive afterwards! Verder lezen GCCC – Marine to Meadow

Memory Lane – Ride around Utrecht

Just before the festive December days spent with family and relatives, GCCC is providing an opportunity to see your club mates again.

On Sunday December 11 you are invited to come to the Utrecht area, where our members Ruud and Mayra have organised an enjoyable ride followed by an interesting slides show on Peter Tsjaikovsky, given by our member Jan. Jan has presented those slides shows before, in December 2010, 2012, 2014 on King Ludwig II van Beieren, Oscar Wilde and Thomas Mann respectively. So this time on the Russian composer Peter (of Pyotr) Tsjaikovsky.  Jan is going to tell you everything about this famous composer.


You are welcome at Maarssen (precise address will be provided later) between 11.30 and 12.00 h. Parking is allowed in the restaurant grounds. Inside coffee/tea with some pastry will be waiting for you. After the ride we’ll be back there. Verder lezen Memory Lane – Ride around Utrecht

GCCC: Driving along picturesque Veluwe roads

The Veluwe, the hilly region North of Arnhem, has been an area we’ve visited before, but never in the Autumn. A period in which the trees are starting to drop or have dropped their leaves. Our club mates Marcel and Arie have joined forces and are presenting a ride in the northern half of this region of natural beauty.

Mooie wegen op de Veluwe


As usual, between 12:00 and 12:30 h. you are expected at the starting point, where coffee/tea is waiting for you. The ride will start at Nunspeet, the exact address participants will get after registering. The route is initially heading south along somewhat more through roads , but soon the roads will change character and have more of an tourist appeal, passing through the heather, which by now will have finished blooming. Verder lezen GCCC: Driving along picturesque Veluwe roads

Ride past Achterhoek and Twente mansions

On Sunday August 14, 2016  our members Maarten and Olav are taking you with them for a GCCC ride to a part of the Netherlands unfamiliar to most of us, i.e. the  Twente and the Achterhoek regions. A gem of a ride through the beautiful east part of our country. Enjoy the Twente hospitality!

Where is the start and the finish?

You are more than welcome at the start address between 12.00 and 12.30 h. The exact address will be forwarded to GCCC members in a separate email. On arrival coffee/tea is provided accompanied by authentic local pastry. After a pleasant ride through Achterhoek and Twente we’ll be back at our starting point round about five p.m.. Along the way there is plenty of time for a visit to a mansion or for something to eat or drink (at your own expense). For those who have booked in advance a three course dinner will be waiting at around  6 p.m. for € 25 (drinks not included). Verder lezen Ride past Achterhoek and Twente mansions

GCCC picnic ride: from sand to grass

On Sunday July 17, 2016 another picnic ride through the South-Holland province will take place, organised this time by our members Jerry and John. This varied ride will finish as usual at Piet’s farm. It is there that you can eat and/or share the delicacies you’ve brought with you.

Where do we start?

You are all welcome on the Noordwijk beach between 12.00 and 12.30 h.. The exact location has been notified by e-mail  to the members.  We can park in the grounds of the restaurant.  Inside you will find coffee/tea or soft drink with fresh apple pie from Olmenhorst.

What are we going to see during the ride?

A pleasant, varied and surprising ride of some 70 kms, touching at a.o. De Zilk, Hillegom and Kaag, and finishing at Piet’s farm. Verder lezen GCCC picnic ride: from sand to grass

Zealand – Walcheren: dunes, polders and gardens

KOUDEKERKE – On Sunday  April 17, 2016 you are cordially invited to a varied ride through Zealand scenery, organised by our members Arnold & Bart. Zuid-Beveland welcomed you in 2014 with a ride, now it’s the former island Walcheren’s turn. Please note, the start location is not the same as the finish, so keep that in mind if you want to join up in somebody else’s car for the ride.

You are expected from 11.30 onwards  in Koudekerke. The exact location details have been communicated to our members in a separate mail. At this location dogs are allowed inside, but only on a leash.

Lunch on arrival?

Coffie/tea is provided on arrival accompanied by a buffet of mini pastries and for those who

have reserved beforehand, there is a luncheon buffet from 12 noon onards, consisting of a fish soup with a rich filling, a delicious tomato soup, fresh meat and fish salad, sauces, various freshly baked rolls and to finish it off, a fruit salad. For extra drinks, coins  can be bought  at the counter for  € 2,50 (one drink for one coin, foreign distilled drinks excluded). Verder lezen Zealand – Walcheren: dunes, polders and gardens

First GCCC ride of the season: Gooi and Vecht region

On March 13 th, 2014 our member Jorden  is taking us to a beautiful part of the Netherlands, between Amsterdam, Utrecht and Hilversum, the Gooi and Vecht region. So gGet your oldtimer out of its hibernation and enjoy the ride and meet your friends.

Where are start and finish?

Ypu are welcome between 12.00 and 12.30 h. at the ”Groot Kantwijk” estate, Bergseweg 28 q, 3633 AK VREELAND. The Healey Museum there is centrally located and withinn a short distance from to from the A2 motorway. Two enthusiastic Healey experts will guide you round the only Healey museum in de world.

After a varied ride through Loosdrecht and the Hooge en Lage Vuursche we finish the day here as well towards 17.30 uur. For those who booked before a lovely buffet dinner is waiting for you at about 18.00 composed by a caterer from Hilversum (€ 25 p.p., drinks not included). Verder lezen First GCCC ride of the season: Gooi and Vecht region

GCCC AGM February 21st, 2016

The first GCCC event of 2016 is traditionally our Annual General Meeting.

At this AGM we look back at the events of the past year and we look forward to things to come, including the international events planned this year such as Eurotour.

Apart from that the club finances will be discussed. It speaks for itself that members will have a say in the budget and the contribution for 2017.

All GCCC members and partners are entitled to vote. This AGM is for members only, so please note that guests are not allowed in!

Where and when

The AGM will be held at Van Roomen klassieke carrosserieën, Oosterinslag 5E 3871 AL Hoevelaken on Sunday February 21, 2016. Doors open at 12.30 p.m. The meeting is planned from 1.00 until 4.00 p.m., after that there will be a drink waiting for you until 5 p.m. at the latest. An interval is planned between 2.15 and 2.45 p.m. Verder lezen GCCC AGM February 21st, 2016

Eighth Christmas Crib Ride

Every other year  GCCC organises a Christmas Crib Ride and this year the eighth edition will take place on Sunday December 27th. A good time to look back to the past rides season and bring a toast to the coming year together with your GCCC friends! This ride will take place in the border region of the Netherlands and Belgium.

What car are you choosing?

Of course it is appreciated if you take your oldtimer, but because of possible wintery conditions and grit, it is perfectly understandible if you prefer to take your everyday car this time.

Where is the start and finish?

This time the organisers, our GCCC members Con and Koos have chosen Sint-Lenaarts (bij Brecht)  as the place to start the ride, a place not very far from the Dutch border. When on the motorway A16/E19 take exit 3, Brecht. You are expected between 12.00 and 12.30 h. at ‘Feestzaal L’Artisjok’, Dorpsstraat 50, B-2960 Sint-Lenaarts. Outside there are plenty of parking spaces. On arrival you will be be served a hot cup of wintery pea soup with bread.  A vegetarian alternative is available too. Verder lezen Eighth Christmas Crib Ride

GCCC – Life in Brabant is good

On Sunday 22 November, 2015 our members Daniël and Mark, born and bred in the province Noord-Brabant, will take you along to the convivial Brabant countryside.

Where will the ride start and finish?

You are welcome at Gasterij De Seterse Hoeve, Vijf Eikenweg 56, 4903 RK Oosterhout between 12:00 and 12:30 h. This rurally situated restaurant has a large car park. We’ll also end the day at this place, at around 5 p.m. For those who have booked this beforehand, a three course dinner will be waiting there at 6 p.m.  ( € 25 p.p.). There is a choice between fish, meat or vegetarian; the price does not include drinks.

The ride

Starting at Seterse Hoeve we set off for a nice, varied ride through the beautiful Brabant landscape. Some of the villages we’ll see are  ’s Gravenmoer, Waspik, Geertruidenberg, Drimmelen and Terheijden. About all these villages a lot can be told, but we’ll tell you a bit more about ‘s Gravenmoer here. Verder lezen GCCC – Life in Brabant is good

GCCC – History around Hellevoetsluis

For our next event, on October 11th, we are preparing our old- or young-timer for a ride organised by our member Kees. We are going to the island of Voorne-Putten. GCCC old hands may remember that we’ve been there before, twice in fact, in 1996 and in 2000. That’s a while ago, of course, but it so happens that we will start from the same restaurant as we did 15 years ago.

Driving through the South-Holland island of Voorne-Putten we see a surprisingly vast and rural area, which is nevertheless situated very close to the  industrial port of Rotterdam. Driving there will offer us all sorts of monumental houses, but also windmills, ships and fortifications. And, of course, old-timers!

Where is the meeting point?

We are expected at restaurant Aquarius, Zuidfront 2, 3221 AZ Hellevoetsluis between 12.00 and 12.30 h. The ride will end there too. It’s a nice location on the river Haringvliet with a view of a lighthouse. Verder lezen GCCC – History around Hellevoetsluis

Four Countries Route in the utmost South of Limburg

On Sunday September 6th, 2015 our member Frans is taking you to a seemingly non-Dutch part of the Netherlands. The Four Countries Route passes through the history and the hills of South Limburg.

Where will the ride begin and end?

You are welcome at Restaurant De Bokkerijder, Viergrenzenweg 232,  6291 BX Vaals between 12.00 and 12.30 H. This is close to the highest point of the Netherlands.

The restaurant has ample parking space and has a fantastic view of the neighbouring German town of Aachen. Coffee/tea with flan will be waiting for you. And… if early, you can walk towards the Four Countries Point only five minutes away.

Towards 17.00 h. we will also end the day here. For those who have booked in advance a three course dinner will be served at 18.00 h. (choice between fish, meat or vegetarian) for € 25 p.p., drinks not included. Verder lezen Four Countries Route in the utmost South of Limburg

From Lake to Picnic – Sunday July 19th

Summer is upon us! Time for the annual picnic in the grounds of our members Piet and Ernst. In order to be able to concentrate on this picnic, this time the actual ride has been in charge of our members Peter and Jreoen. On July 19th they have planned a ride for you in the green Heart of Holland.

The start is at Aalsmeer at a stone’s throw of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and the finish is, as usual,  at the grounds of  Piet and Ernst. That is where you can consume all the food and drinks you have taken with you from home. So it’s up to you to make this as jolly or camp as you like!

Sorry, registering is no longer possible.!

Meeting point

We gather at Restaurant Westeinder Paviljoen Aalsmeer. Kudelstaartseweg 22, 1431 GA Aalsmeer between 12:00 and 12:30 H.  Coffee/tea and pastry will be waiting for you. After having checked in you can enjoy the beautiful view of  Westeinder Plassen with the odd aeroplane taking off or landing in between. Verder lezen From Lake to Picnic – Sunday July 19th

Around Utrecht, Castles and Estates

The June event is almost upon us…are you and your oldtimer prepared?

Our chairman Hans and our first leading man Sam have organised a ride in the attractive surroundings of Utrecht on June 7. We can’t go into the inner city of Utrecht unfortunately because it is a low emission zone which is maintained diligently with fines up to  €90,-.

Meeting point

We gather in Doorn at the Beukenrode estate between  12.00 and 12.30 h., of which more later. The address is Beukenrodelaan 2, 3941 ZP Doorn (0343-473220).

On arrival you will find  coffee/tea and cake.  In that same place  later that day there will be  a drink and a hot and cold buffet for those  staying on.

Verder lezen Around Utrecht, Castles and Estates