These are tough times.
Only two weeks ago at our Annual General Meeting at Culemborg we were a bit giggly about ‘not giving hands’. Now two weeks on we are confronted with new measures and a new reality.
Unfortunately this means that large events, such as the Eurovision Song Contest, The Netherlands’ Grand Prix, Utrecht Gay Pride, but also several oldtimer events will be cancelled.
Naturally the GCCC board takes its resposibility in this too.
This means that the first ride of the season planned for Sunday April 19, 2020 will be postponed to Sundag December 20, 2020. The ride planned for May 17 has also been cancelled, a decision made in consultation with the organizers, Erik and Aldrin. It is not known yet whether it will be held later this year.
As for the international events, it has been decided to postpone Eurotour 2020, planned for the end of May by our German sister club Queerlenker. It will now take place in 2021. Our 2021 Eurotour will be postponed to 2022.
When we have more information about Eurotour and Sweet Trip from Aldrin we will pass that on, of course.
As long as we are allowed to drive without special documents, make use of it, alone or with your partner. For the handy ones amongst us, this may be a perfect opportunity to do the postponed maintenance, if you are so lucky as to have your car on the premises.
We will, of course, remain in touch via the members’ site, via Facebook (public: Gay Classic Car Club Benelux and the private one: GCCC) or simply by phone.
We hope to see you soon in good heath and to hear the engines roar.
Spend your days well, watch yourself and your loved ones and stay healthy!
The Gay Classic Car Club Benelux board,
Fred, Jerry, Marchel, Rob en Warner