New Year’s Drinks 2024

Now that Christmas and New Year’s Eve are behind us, the period for New Year’sImage by Freepik drinks has arrived. The board would like to invite you to the New Year’s drinks 2024.

We will continue this beautiful tradition and raise a glass together on Sunday, January 21, somewhere on the outskirts of Utrecht. This beautiful location welcomes us with a free bar from 4 to 6 p.m. so that we can discuss the past and coming year over a snack and a drink and catch up with each other outside of a ride. We will also give you a glimpse of what we will do together in 2024 and that  promises to have a lot in store!

What does it cost?
For a mere €15 per person for both members and guests (the GCCC will contribute the remainder of the costs), we will be pampered by them for 2 hours in this unique setting and in that way we will make a great start to the new year.

And our four-legged friends?
Your four-legged friend is also welcome, provided it is trained and kept on a leash.

Please register

Registration was possible until Sunday, January 14th.

Event arrangement
This event has not been registered for the event scheme.

As you know, it is the members who make the club, so we expect you in large numbers (with the classic car?) at this kick-off of 2024!

Until then!

The board: Mick, Rob, Cees, Jerry and Wilfried


GCCC excludes any form of damage whatsoever. Photos and videos are also taken during the ride. If you do not appreciate this, you are responsible for this by kindly asking the photographer or videographer not to take images of you or your car (license plate). The photos and videos are generally shared on personal Facebook and Instagram pages of individual participants and the GCCC Facebook page.