Much Ado in the Polder

Just above Amsterdam lies an unexpectedly picturesque area of ​​unprecedented silence, space and beauty.

The Beemster and Schermer polders were already drained in the 17th century and are therefore among the oldest polders in the world.

The Beemster was placed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1999.

Sunday, June 30th

On Sunday, June 30th, we will take a beautiful ride along winding country roads, past wide views, through charming towns and along IJsselmeer.

Come and be surprised by this piece of Dutch glory.

We meet at 12:00 somewhere in Oudendijk where we will be welcomed with coffee and cake.

The ride of approximately 60 kilometers starts at 1:30 pm. We return to the starting point, where there is an opportunity to have dinner.

What does it cost?

Participation is € 10 per person for members and € 13 per person for guests.

Dinner is € 30 p.p.

What does dinner consist of?


Tomato soup
Soup of the day

Main dish

Chicken satay with Atjar and Kroepoek
Pork tenderloin with brie and pepper sauce
Salmon fillet with white wine sauce
Ravioli with cream aauce


Dame Blanche

And our four-legged friends?

They are allowed, provided they are trained and kept on a leash.


You can register no later than Sunday 23rd June via the registration page.

We look forward to seeing you there again on the 30th!

This ride has been registered for the event scheme.

The GCCC excludes any form of damage, in any form. Photos and videos are also taken during the ride. If you do not appreciate this, you are responsible for this by kindly asking the photographer or videographer not to take images of you or your car (license plate). The photos and videos are generally shared on personal Facebook and Instagram pages of individual participants and the GCCC Facebook page.