Picnic Ride: Olympia

We always know where the popular and fun GCCC picnic ride ends, but its starting point is an annual surprise. And so again this year.

We gather at 11 a.m., have coffee and cake, a chat, are amazed, and start the route at a well-kept car secret in Bleiswijk, South Holland. There, Bert Roubos, car and in particular Packard enthusiast, has collected a beautiful collection of cars from the stately American brand Packard after a successful career in well-known snacks. Most models are pre-war and strikingly large, strikingly beautiful and – especially for that time – remarkably fast. And all are in tip-top condition.

After the war, the brand survived for another 15 years before disappearing from the market around 1960 after a desperate merger with the also ailing Studebaker. A result of that merger can even be seen there.

As a rule, this beautiful collection is not freely accessible and we are exclusive guests, so this is an extra reason to participate in the Picnic Ride again this year.

The tour route then takes us along Rottemeren, North of Rotterdam, via the rural and watery area of ​​Zoetermeer and lovely rural roads in the Groene Hart, to the familiar arrival point at Leidschendam. Piet and Ernst will welcome us again with open arms around 3 p.m. and the purpose of this day – a very extensive picnic – can begin. And don’t forget to have fun with the decorations, this year in the Olympia theme, and who knows, you might win one of the great prizes.

What does it cost?

Participation is € 6 per person for members and € 9 per person for guests. Everything else is up to you to spend on the picnic.

And our four-legged friends?

They are allowed to come along, provided they are trained and kept on a leash.


You can register no later than Sunday, July 21 via the registration page.

This ride has been registered for the event scheme.

The GCCC excludes any form of damage whatsoever. Photos and videos are also taken during the ride. If you do not appreciate this, you are responsible for this by kindly asking the photographer or videographer not to take images of you or your car (license plate). The photos and videos are generally shared on personal Facebook and Instagram pages of individual participants and the GCCC Facebook page.